Short description of Inclusion Through Sport

Friday, 7 October 2011

APPLICATION for the 2012 Grundtvig Learner Workshop ''Inclusion Through Sport''

Who can apply?
Everything is Possible is looking for groups of 5 people (18+) per country:
- one tutor,
- 4 people (including one person with disability)

How to apply?
If you are a group of 5 people motivated to participate in the Grundtvig Learner Workshop ‘Inclusion Through Sport', each participant will have to
-           fill the application form (to download the application, click here),
-          Send the application to Raphael:
-          Send the last page signed and completed (with your full name on the top of the page) by fax to Everything is Possible: 0113 242 0999.
Please send all application fully completed and signed by the 15th December 2011.

If you have any question,
please contact Raphael:

Click here to download the application form.

INFORMATION about the 2012 Grundtvig Learner Workshop ''Inclusion Through Sport''

Dates of the Workshop : 1st – 8th April 2012

Venue of the Workshop : Country: United Kingdom

Topic of the Workshop : Sport & Inclusion

Language of the Workshop : English

Target group(s) : Excluded & Disabled

Expected number of participants : 25

Main activities / programme of the Workshop: This Grundtvig Learner Workshop will focus on sport and inclusion, learners will be recruited from five different countries, we will prioritise applicants from backgrounds of social exclusion or disability. The workshop will include the opportunity for participants to try out six different sports, to learn about the history of various national sports and of the Olympic Games. Learners will be involved in coached sports sessions, individual research on national sports, observing professional live or recorded sports, visiting sports stadiums and considering the wider aspects of sport such as nutrition and clothing for sports.

Expected outputs :
The expected outcomes of this Grundtvig Learner workshop are to:
- Have integrated 25 learners with backgrounds of social exclusion and disability.
- Have engaged learners in activities around sport as a tool for inclusion.
- Have offered the opportunity for participants to learn about the wider issues surrounding sport, including nutrition, clothing and awards schemes.
- Developed learners skills in various sporting disciplines.
- Broken down stereotypes and prejudice of disability in sport and confront perception of disability limiting access to sports or preventing of achieving results.
- Widened participant’s horizons and knowledge around the non-formal education opportunities sports offer.
- Participants will have gained a wider intercultural awareness of sports as a method of learning and recognise that they have entered into informal learning.
- Participants will have had the opportunity to develop their linguistic skills.
- We anticipate learners will increase their interest in sport or sports related elements such as nutrition to continue a process of self-study and research on return to their country of residence.

Practical arrangements :
Travel will be arranged from participants home country to the UK by flight, where possible participants will arrive to Glasgowr be collected and transferred to the workshop. The training will be delivered in various venues, and the learners will stay together in a local hotel, accommodate in pairs in single sex rooms. Meals will be taken in the hotel, the training venues and various restaurants Scotland.

Download this information: click here.

Download the example of timetable for the week: click here.