Short description of Inclusion Through Sport

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Eighth Day - 08.04.2012 - Departures


Seventh Day - 07.04.2012 - Scottish Football Museum & Glasgow

20.00 - Celebration event

18.40 - Dinner

13.30 - 17.00 - Time in Glasgow

12.15 - Lunch in the Stadium

11.20 - Visit of the Scottish Football Museum

10.15 - Visit of the Stadium

9.00 - Departure to the Scottish Football Museum.

08.00 - 09.00 : Breakfast

Friday, 6 April 2012

Sixth day - 06.04.2012 - Lifelong Learning programme, Swimming and Ice skating activities

21.00 - Origami workshop with Francesco.

20.00 - Judo workshop with Riccardo, one of our Italian participants.

18.15 - Dinner.

14.30 - 17.30 : Arrival in Greenock for Swimming and Ice skating activities.

14.00 - Departure for Greenock.

12.30 - Lunch Time.

11.00 - Walk in the Hill and aerobic activities.

9.45 - Presentation of the Lifelong Learning programme.

Everything is Possible's presentation about the Lifelong Learning programme:

Leonardo programme - EP's project in Sweden

Grundtvig Learner Workshop - Exchanging Dreams

Grundtvig Assistanship

9.30 - Reflexion about the previous day.

8.30 - 9.25 : Breafast

Thursday, 5 April 2012


Fifth Day - 05.04.2012 - Watersports Day at Cumbrae Island

21.30 - Table Tennis game

21.20 - Winner of the English sport:

20.45 - The English group present a national sport.


20.00 - Sport game by the French and English groups.

18.15 - Dinner

10.00 - 17.00: Watersport activities



Sail a Dingy


9.15 - Transfer to Cumbrae Island

08.00-08.50 - Breakfast

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Fourth Day - 04.04.2012 - Golf, Archery, Curling and aerobic.

21.00 Option movie/sauna or free time

20.10 Game "Who wants to be a Millionnaire" around sport.

19.55 Prices for the Winner of ''Create your own sportive Morph'' and the Sheep Pen/Lego Archway/Map Memory activities (see second day)

19.40 Point around the visibility

19.15 Reflexion around the previous days.

18.15 Dinner

16.00 - Relaxation

14.00 - Spinning, aerobics class

12.30 - Lunch

9.30 - Divided in 3 groups, Participants are doing Golf, Archery, Curling.

8.30 -9.20 Breakfast